Welcome to the Len Research Group Website!

We are a research group called Synthetic Chemistry in Flow - SCiFLOW under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Christophe Len within the Institute of Chemistry for Life and Health Sciences (i-CLeHS UMR CNRS 8060) in Chimie ParisTech. The focus of our research lies on the development of alternative tools applied to organic chemistry, catalysis and new technologies. The emphasis on continuous flow associated with other different activation processes such as microwave, ultrasound, ball-milling is the main objective. He has a strong interest to build a bridge between academic and industrial researches for the production of chemicals, fuels and materials from chemical and wastes.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."

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October 2024
Welcome: The Len group welcomes its new PhD student Romain Torlotin.

October 2024
Welcome: The Len group welcomes its new visiting PhD student Jiannan Sun for one year.

April 2024
Welcome: The Len group welcomes our new postdoctoral fellow Dr Aline Faucon.

April 2024
Welcome: The Len group welcomes its new Master student Varmitha Thiruchelvam.

March 2024
Dr Julien Legros delivers a conference titled "Flow Chemistry
selectivity control in organometallic chemistry and neutralization of organosulfur compounds".

March 2024:
Welcome: The Len group welcomes its new Master student Diana El Khaled.

March 2024:
Welcome: The Len group welcomes its new Master student Wanyue Zhou.
5 Latest Publications

"Solvent-free production of triacetin from glycerol through complementary mechanochemical, biphasic, and catalytic approaches using ICHeM technology"
R. Nguyen, S. Halloumi, I. Malpartida, C. Len - DOI

"Efficient alcoholysis reaction from furfural alcohol to ethyl levulinate by sulfonic acid-functionalized furfural residue"
Q. Si, Y. Yu, W. Xu, Z. Yang, H. Zhang, T. Su, C. Len, D. Zhao - DOI

"Deciphering the role of (metal–)support on the reductive amination of levulinates"
K. Saini, N. Sharma, R. Gautam, Supan, C. Len, S. Saravanamurugan - DOI

"Reductive O-alkylation of methanol by ketones using a heterogeneous palladium catalyst under continuous floww conditions"
X. Han, R. Nguyen, W. Ouyang, M. Hu, C. Len - DOI

"A transition-metal-free catalytic reduction of benzylic alcohols and alkenes and N-formylation of nitroarenes mediated by iodide ions and formic acid"
Y. Wang, Y. Wang, Y. Ma, A.M. Elsharif, C. Zhang, W. Yang, C. Len - DOI
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