Current Members



Phone: (+33) 185 784 165

Aline FAUCON graduated as a chemical engineer from the “Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Montpellier” (ENSCM) in Montpellier in 2019, specializing in fine organic chemistry. The same year, she also earned a master’s degree in chemistry of biomolecules: research and innovation, at the University of Montpellier. In 2023, she obtained her PhD in medicinal chemistry from the University of Strasbourg. She then joined the LEN research group at Chimie ParisTech as a post-doctoral researcher, working on the selective synthesis of bio-based ethers on flow chemistry, in collaboration with Seppic company.


Phone: (+33) 185 784 165

Rémi NGUYEN graduated as a chemical engineer at the European school of chemistry, polymers and materials from Strasbourg (ECPM) with a master degree in molecular and supramolecular chemistry from the University of Strasbourg in 2006. He obtained his phD in 2010 in The institute of Charles Sadron in dynamic combinatorial chemistry and micellar system fields. After many post-doctoral positions in green chemistry in the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC) and National Polytechnical Institute of Toulouse (INPT), he entered as a post-doctoral researcher in LEN research group at Chimie ParisTech under the financial support of Deasyl Company to work on the development of mechano-activated continuous flow processes for green chemistry.


Qing LIU

Phone: (+33) 185 784 165

Qing LIU graduated in chemical engineering from Yantai University, China, in 2022. Her doctoral thesis focuses on the production of high-value chemicals in a green solvent. Both batch and continuous reactor mechanochemistry will be studied. This work will be carried out under the supervision of Professor Christophe LEN and with the financial support of the China Scholarship Council.

Baptiste LAFON

Phone: (+33) 185 784 165

Baptiste LAFON graduated as a chemical engineer at the Chemistry, Physics, Electronics school (CPE) from Lyon with a master degree in organic synthesis at the University of Lyon 1 in 2023. His doctoral thesis focuses on microwave assisted continous flow synthesis and the study of an equipment combining these two process. This work will be carried out under the supervision of Professor Christophe LEN and with the financial support of the Thales company.

Jiannan SUN

Phone: (+33) 185 784 165

Jiannan SUN is from the School of Mechanical Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University, China. His PhD thesis focused on the synthesis of quantum dots nanomaterials and fluorescence-thermal sensing applications, and his goal is to combine the mechanical-chemical cross-cutting fields of designing materials for sensing the thermal performance of rotor systems and developing monitoring techniques to optimize the design of the thermal performance of the systems. As a visiting PhD student, he joined the LEN research group at Chimie ParisTech to work on the development of materials for catalytic systems. This work will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. Christophe LEN and supported by the China Scholarship Council.


Phone: (+33) 185 784 165

Romain TORLOTIN graduated in general engineering from CESI School in Nancy. He is currently pursuing a PhD at Chimie ParisTech under the supervision of Professor Christophe LEN. His thesis focuses on the valorization of plastic waste through continuous flow processes, utilizing microwave-assisted technology to synthesize hydrogen and carbon. This innovative project is supported by funding from the European Innovative Council.


Bouchra BALKARD graduated in chemistry from the Faculty of Sciences of Agadir, Morocco. Her doctoral thesis deals with the experimental and theoretical study of corrosion inhibition of metallic materials by chemicals of biological origin. This work will be carried out under the supervision of Prof. Hassan BOURZI, Department of Chemistry, University of IBN ZOHR Morocco, and under the co-supervision of Prof. Christophe LEN at Chimie ParisTech.


Riya Chaudhary graduated in Chemistry from Centre for Nano and Material Sciences (CNMS), Bangalore, India in 2020. Her Ph.D. thesis focuses on the design and synthesis of Carbohydrate based macrocycles via Click Chemistry and to study their host-guest inclusion properties. This work will be carried under the supervision of Prof. Brajendra K. SINGH, Department of Chemistry, University of Delhi, India and under the co-supervision of Prof. Christophe LEN at Chimie ParisTech and with the financial support from DST-INSPIRE, New Delhi.

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